- Time lapse movies
- Custom images/mosaics
- Cloud cover masks
- Motion vectors
- Data retriever, per collection (may require metadata collector)
- MetaDatabase & Metadata producer
- Cloud mask tool
- Movie composer
- Optical flow detector/filter
- Data retriever is a batch file/php for the arctic mosaic, and Watchdog/WatchFTP for granules. Good enough for now, but we need to have a tool to decide if new data should be downloaded and how.
- Metadata producer/Database - nothing
- Cloudmask tool - I have an R script that will process arctic mosaic tiles and create a fair result. For granules, the MOD35-L2 product is available.
- Movie composer, can be done with batch scripts with varying levels of sophistication using Imagemagick, Mapserver, gdal, and ffmpeg (also sed). It would be useful to have a web front end for specifying and managing requests and products.
- Optical flow detector/filter - combination of OpenCV and R at this point, could be batched but needs work.